The street department maintains 33 miles of roadway and 5.2 miles of alleys. The Street Fund includes expenses for administration, roadway maintenance, street cleaning, street lighting, snow and ice removal, weed control, traffic control and snow and ice removal. Revenues for the street department operations and capital outlay are from 50% of all property taxes collected, motor vehicle fuel tax and grant or loan funds. Capital projects normally are financed through either grants or debt issues.
The Hours Worked
The hours worked and the materials needed to paint, repair and replace guardrails, traffic signs, pavement markings such as crosswalk markings and pavement striping (center lines on roadways, fog line, ect.) and the operation, painting and replacement of traffic signals. 600 hours or .3 FTE of public works employee hours are budgeted for traffic control services. The Street Departments contracts with the Department of Transportation for striping the streets and maintenance of the traffic signal in north Omak. In the spring of every year, the street department paints all of curbs and sidewalks.