P.O. Box 72 | 2 N Ash St. | Omak, WA 98841
The City of Omak owns and maintains approximately one hundred and five acres of park and recreation property with another 220 acres of undeveloped open space. Omak's park lands include several small green spaces that are under a half-acre in size. Although these "green spaces" have limited potential for development, they play an important role in the overall park system by providing aesthetic and enjoyment to residents a visitors. The rest of Omak's parks form a vital core of recreation opportunities in the area.
You can reserve a City park, picnic shelter or green space for your event. The park use is free to families and non-profit organizations. We encourage you to make a reservation to ensure the area is available. If you are hosting an event open to the public, there are additional requirements that must be met.
To reserve the park, you must complete a Park Request Form and submit it to City Hall at 2 N Ash. You will receive a confirmation of your reservation and the area will be posted with a reservation sign. If you have further questions, please call us at 509-826-1170.