


Our Core Values

Professional, Opportunity, Lawful Purpose, Innovation, Community, Empathy

Our Mission

Our Mission is to create a safe environment for the City of Omak; by partnering with our community and working together to build a place where every person is encouraged to learn, grow, recreate, and thrive.

Our Vision

To Serve Our Citizens of Omak with Honor and Protect What Matters.

Chief of Police Dan Christensen









Daniel Christensen
Chief of Police
Message from the Chief


The Chief is in charge of the OPD and is the department administrator. The chief reports directly to the mayor and the city administrator. The Chief has the task of being in charge of the police officers and coordinates the affairs of the administrative staff. The chief and the sergeants are responsible for the overall operation of the department and oversee the budget and implementation of city policies and implementation of department policies.


Police Department

OPD is made up of the Chief of Police, ten commissioned police officers and three support staff. The primary mission of the OPD is to coordinate and lead the efforts within the community to preserve the public peace, protect the rights of persons and property, prevent crime and generally provide assistance to citizens in urgent situations. The department is responsible for the enforcement of all federal laws, Washington State laws and city ordinances within the boundaries of the City of Omak.

Police Department Patrol

The patrol unit is made up of six patrol officers, two sergeants and a detective who provide coverage 24 hours a day and 7 days a week including all holidays. The patrol unit is responsible for responding to all applicable criminal and infraction complaints as well as enforcement of city ordinances. Patrol officers also have additional specialized training and/or certification with specific duties assign such as: Field Training Officer, Firearms Officer, Drug Investigations, Bike Patrol, Swat/SRT, Defensive Tactics, Emergency Vehicle Operation, Patrol Tactics Instructors, Internal Affairs Investigations, Traffic Accident Investigation, Taser7 less lethal and others as needed.  We are equipped with Axon Body Worn Cameras as of 2021.


Our team are dedicated to leading our members and ourselves.  Our Chief has established strong leadership models and encourages a purpose based model of leadership.  Working with for and in coordination with all of us makes for an excellent team.  Below are some video links that highlight these leadership philosophies

David Marquette: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqmdLcyES_Q

Daniel Pink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc

Simon Sinek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuA


Chief of Police Christensen
Chief of Police
Sergeant Donnelly Tallant Jr
Sergeant Darren Duncan
Brien Bowling
Aaron Pennycooke
Police Officer
Logan Hedden
Police Officer
Terry Shrable
Police Officer
Mackenzie Shaffer
Police Officer
Police Officer
School Resource Officer/ Police Officer
Police Officer
Code Enforcement
Susie Ortiz
Records Clerk
Police Officer
Courtney Crowder
Records Clerk
Rochelle Danielson
CORE Program Manager/ Outreach Specialist
Team ONE Lead