Interlocal Agreements

Pursuant to RCW 39.34.040, an interlocal agreement "shall be filed with the county auditor or, alternatively, listed by subject on a public agency's website or other electronically retrievable public source."

Inquiries regarding interlocal agreements may be directed to the City Clerk's Office at:

City of Omak

PO Box 72 - 2 N Ash Street​
Omak, WA  98841

509-826-6531 (Fax)



Alternate Title Attachments
Colville Conf. Tribes, Omak Stampede - Resolution 42-2014
Okanogan County & Fire District No. 3 Res 09-2025
Riverside, Town of - Res. 13-2013
WA State Department of Transportation Resolution 77-2011
Chelan, Douglas, Grant & Okanogan County Area Res. 32-93
Cities in Okanogan County - MOA
City of Okanogan - TIB Maintenance Project Res 43-2023
Colville Conf. Tribes - Resolution 18-2014
Colville Confederated Tribes - Resolution 10-2012
Colville Confederated Tribes - Resolution 32-2010
Colville Confederated Tribes - Resolution 49-2014
Colville Confederated Tribes - Resolution 54-2013
Colville Confederated Tribes Res. 31-2024
Colville Indian Power Veneer, Fire District No. 3 - Res. 13-2002
Conconully, Town of
Conconully, Town of - Resolution 20-2008
Coulee Dam - Resolution 53-2014
DNR for Airport Water Infrustructure-Resolution 55-2019
Ferry, Okanogan Counties, Cities of Omak & Okanogan 32-92
Grays Harbor PUD - Resolution 04-2003
Interagency Agreement with SAO
Intergovernmental Agreement with Sourcewell - RES NO. 14-2020
Interlocal Agreement with Okanogan PUD
Interlocal Agreement with the City of Pateros
King County Directors' Association - Resolution 51-2010
Local Govt. Investment Pool - Resolution 08-2014
Nespelem, Town of - Resolution 44-2012
North Central Regional Library District - Res. 30-2005
North Central Washington Narcotics Task Force Res. 32-2013
North Central Washington Special Response Team - 27-2003
Okangaon County
Okanogan Council of Governments - Resolution 07-2018
Okanogan County
Okanogan County & Washington State DOT - Res. 13-94
Okanogan County - Resolution 02-2006
Okanogan County - Resolution 04-2024
Okanogan County - Resolution 05-2002
Okanogan County - Resolution 05-2006
Okanogan County - Resolution 05-2025
Okanogan County - Resolution 06-2005
Okanogan County - Resolution 1-99
Okanogan County - Resolution 17-2003
Okanogan County - Resolution 27-2004
Okanogan County - Resolution 29-2004
Okanogan County - Resolution 31-2006
Okanogan County - Resolution 34-2002
Okanogan County - Resolution 41-2014
Okanogan County - Resolution 58-2008
Okanogan County - Resolution 62-2023
Okanogan County - Resolution 64-2014
Okanogan County - Resolution 91-2009
Okanogan County and County Cities - Res. 40-2014
Okanogan County Conservation District Res. 32-2024
Okanogan County Council of Governments - Res. 28-2015
Okanogan County Emergency Services Organization
Okanogan County Fire District No. 3
Okanogan County Fire District No. 3
Okanogan County Fire District No. 3 - Res. 10-2013
Okanogan County Fire District No. 3 - Res. 29-2007
Okanogan County Fire District No. 3 - Resolution 21-2015
Okanogan County Fire District No. 3 - Resolution 27-2014
Okanogan County Fire District No. 3 - Resolution 82-2009
Okanogan County Public Works - Res. 28-2013
Okanogan County Public Works - Res. 35-2013
Okanogan County Public Works - Resolution 75-2010
Okanogan County Resolution - 18-2012
Okanogan County Resolution 45-2011
Okanogan County, Oroville-Tonasket Irrg District-Res 19-2004
Okanogan County-Public Works Res. 27-2024
Oroville, Okanogan - Resolution 13-2012
Oroville, Okanogan, Tonasket - Resolution 08-2011
Pacific County - Resolution 4-2000
PSIS, Fire District No. 3 - Resolution 23-2010
Purchasing Agreement with League of Oregon Cities - Resolution 32-2021
Region Six Fire Investigation Task Force - Res. 04-2010
Reimbursable Agr. with Okanogan County Public Works Res 35-2013
Resolution 40-2015
Riverside, Town of - Resolution 43-2012
State of WA Administrative office of the Courts Res. 51-2009
State of WA Dept. of General Administration Procurement
State of Washington Department of Natural Resources
State of Washington Department of Natural Resources
State of Washington Department of Natural Resources 33-2013
State of Washington Department of Natural Resources 46-2014
State of Washington Department of Natural Resources 47-2016
WA State Department of Enterprise Services Res. 37-2013
WA State Department of Transporation Resolution 34-2014
WA State DNR Res. 69-2023
Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
WA State Dept. of Commerce for GMA Critical Areas Update-Res. 20-2018
Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington State Department of Transportation - Res. 15-2015
Washington State Department of Transportation - Res. 29-2014
Washington State Department of Transportation - Res. 34-2014
Washington State Department of Transportation - Res. 53-2013
Washington State Department of Transportation - Res. 61-2014
Washington State Department of Transportation Res. 77-2023
Washington State Department of Transportation Res. 81-2023
Washington State Dept. of Transportation - Res. 17-2007
Washington State Patrol - Res. 02-2014
Washington State Patrol - Res. 92-2023
Washington State Patrol, WA State DOT - Res. 54-2008