P.O. Box 72 | 2 N Ash St. | Omak, WA 98841
Park reservations can be made in three hour blocks of time. Set up and tear down of your event must be within the reserved block of time. Please have the area cleaned up before the end of your time for the next party. There is no charge to reserve a Park Shelter. If you require more tables than the shelter has there is a fee for the set up and tear down of additional tables.
1. Horseshoe Shelter- The Shelter is 21’ Wide x 46’ Long. It has power, water, and multiple BBQ Grills. 4 Tables are Included with Reservation. Additional Tables $75.00 per Table set up per reservation.The Shelter is located on the Eastside of the Stampede Arena by the Horseshoe pits. (CLICK HERE TO RESERVE)
2. Triangle Park Shelter- The Shelter is 15’ Wide x 35’ Long. It has power, water, and multiple BBQ Grills. 4 Tables are Included with Reservation. Additional Tables $75.00 per Table set up per reservation. The shelter is located on the West side of the Stampede Arena. (CLICK HERE TO RESERVE)
3. Dance Pavilion- The Pavilion measures 120’ across. Lowered event area with lights and power available. Tables available at $75.00 per Table set up per reservation. The Pavilion is located South of the RV Park on the West side of the park. (CLICK HERE TO RESERVE)
4. Longhouse - The longhouse is a large Shelter with electrical outlets and lights. Tables available at a $75.00 per Table set up per reservation. The Longhouse is located on the East side of the RV Park in the upper Northeast section of the park. (CLICK HERE TO RESERVE)
1.Gazebo- The Gazebo is 11’ Across. Tables available at a $75.00 per Table set up per reservation. (CLICK HERE TO RESERVE)
1. Band shell- The Band shell can be reserved for family events. Tables available at a $75.00 per Table set up per reservation. (CLICK HERE TO RESERVE)