P.O. Box 72 | 2 N Ash St. | Omak, WA 98841
Expenditures include the hours worked, equipment rental fees, and repair/maintenance materials for removal of ice and snow from city streets and roadways. The street department uses the loader, large road grader and small road grader to remove snow from the downtown areas. Truck/snowplow combinations remove snow from the rest of the city. Each snowplow has a specific route that they are responsible for and upon completion of their route they continue on to assist other drivers with their routes. One truck is used exclusively to sand streets as needed. The loader and road graders begin snow removal at midnight and the snowplows begin snow removal at 2:00 a.m. When the plowing of streets has been completed, the snow that has been piled in the center of streets is removed.
The hours worked, equipment rental fees and repair/maintenance materials for cleaning of the street surface by sweeping and the collection and disposal of sweepings, leaves, rocks, etc. The street cleaning program begins in the spring with the removal of the winter sand and ends in the first part of winter. The streets that have curbs are cleaned three times per week. On the streets without curbs, they are swept three times a year. Sidewalks that are the city's responsibility to maintain are also kept clean.
The hours worked and materials used for maintenance of that portion of the right of way beyond the outside edge of the shoulder or the outside edge of the curb when no shoulder exists. Weed control is the removal and control of weeds for that portion of the right of way that is beyond the shoulder of the road.
Street Department expenditures are distributed based upon the actual services being provided. The general roadway section of the street budget is for hours worked and the operation and maintenance expenses to maintain the roadway prism or traveled way of all public streets and alleys. Expenditures attributed to this section of the department are for operating supplies such as the purchase of asphalt for patching of streets, equipment rental fees and asphalt patching by a private contractor. The department grades and gravels the alleys and shoulders of roadways two times per year.
Expenditures include the hours worked and the operation/maintenance expense incurred for the street lighting system. Typical expenses in this category involve the electrical service charges for the street lighting system and replacement or repairs to the lighting system on Main Street.
As you travel the city streets you will see a variety of regulatory, warning or guidance signs that require maintenance. These signs are to convey specific messages to the traveling public. The life expectancy of signs is generally 7 or more years. Signs that face south are generally replaced earlier due to sun exposure. Another reason for replacing signs is the changing requirements, either by city council or due to a safety concern. Vandalism and vehicle accidents are one of the primary reasons for replacement of signs and posts. There is a constant need for sign replacement or addition. Signage is also reviewed annually for reflectivity. The expense for sign replacement have increased due to increased aluminum prices. The paint for striping curbs and cross walks has increase by approximately 30%.