Planning Commission-Public Hearing
Calendar Date:
Shane Kitchen of Mount Vernon, Washington
Notice of Application
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Shane Kitchen of Mount Vernon, Washington has submitted an application for preliminary approval for a 15 lot long plat and request for deviation from street design standards to the City of Omak. The proposal entails development of a 3.4 acre parcel (Parcel # 3426260375) into 15 individual lots for single family residences. The proposal is located 100 feet east of Paintbrush Lane and accessed from Koala Ave, within Section 26, Township 34 N., Range 26 E, W.M.
A State Environmental Policy Act Checklist was completed with the responsible official issuing a determination on non-significance. Persons wishing to view project information may contact Omak City Hall, 2 North Ash Street between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Written comments must be submitted to the City of Omak, P.O. Box 72, Omak, WA 98841, no later than 5:00 PM March 17, 2021.
The City of Omak Planning Commission will hold an open record public hearing on April 6, 2021 at 5:30 PM in the City of Omak Council Chambers, located at 2 North Ash St., to take relevant testimony and establish the record.
Due to the Governors orders, Covid-19 restriction may apply. Please contact City Hall to stay abreast on the current situation for how the public hearing will be conducted.
For further information contact Tyler Wells, City of Omak Building Official/Permit Administrator at (509) 826-1170.
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