Park Board

As a member of the Omak Park Board, you will advise the mayor, the city council, and the departments, regarding the general supervision and control of all parks and recreational facilities and programs of the City.  The board shall have the power to advise regarding the establishment of a park and/or recreation department and control. For more information about being a Park Board Member, contact Mayor, Cindy Gagné.

City Of Omak

A current plan is required to maintain eligibility  for grants from Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, consists of an inventory of existing park facilities, an analysis and determination of community's desires, and an evaluation of alternatives for meeting community park and recreation needs.


The official membership of the City of Omak Park Board consists of five members who are appointed by the mayor, with the consent of city council, from citizens who reside in the City of Omak. 

Meeting date, time and location:

Regular meetings of the Omak park board are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Omak City Hall.


Park Board Commissioners & Advisory Members Term Expiration
Vacant 1/2/2020
Vacant 6/1/2019
Vacant 4/1/2019
Vacant 12/1/2021
Vacant 1/1/2020
Michelle Gaines Council Committee Advisory