Report a Concern

How to Report a Concern 

   The City of Omak wants to address the problems that you are concerned with. To make it easier and faster to address these concerns we have an electronic form that will go directly to the person and Department that can handle your concern the fastest.

   If you have used this system before (CLICK HERE). IF you are using it for the first time or need a refresher course on how easy it is to use please read on.







Report a Concern Start Screen

Fill out contact information

 All fields in yellow are required to report a concern. The fields in gray are optional. After completing click the CONTINUE button.

Page 2 of Report a Concern

Second Page


Please be as detailed as possible about the concern. EXP: "There is a pothole on Central Street in front of City Hall. It is in the West bound lane just after the alley."


Picture of the different types of concerns that can be reported.


Click here to put your concern in a specific type. This is important as this will route your concern to the Department and person that can handle it the soonest.



Definition of Types


Report any concerns near or around the Airport. EXP: Speeding traffic or suspicious people.


Report any Graffiti you see on Public Property.


Report anything that doesn't fit into another category. 


Report any concerns in a City Park here. EXP: Broken irrigation line, Water pooling in an area, Garbage, dirty bathrooms, safety concern with a Park Structure or toy.


Report a pothole or problem with a city street. Please be very descriptive with the location.

RV Park- 

Report any concern with the RV Park like sprinklers hitting camping area or Dirty bathrooms.

Sewer Lines- 

Report any concerns with the Sewer System like backing up or smells, as well as missing manhole lids or open manholes.


Report concerns about plowed streets, piling or drifting snow on the roadway.

Streets/Traffic signs- 

Report any concerns about blocked roadways from falling trees or obstructions, vandalized or missing road signs, or signs that are faded or worn out.


Report any Concerns about the Water System. This could include turning your water on or off, possible leak in the system, or fire hydrant problems.

Weeds and Mosquitoes- 

Report any concerns about weeds or Mosquitoes. Please be specific about the location of the concern.

Picture of the Steret Location menu

Street Location-

Click here and choose the Street Name from the drop-down menu.The Street Names are alphabetical, however if they have a North and South location, the directional name is first.  EXP: N Ash St or E Central AVE.

Once you have clicked the street name the map will put a pin on the Street. You can locate the pin to the exact location of the concern if you wish to. The description you write is more important though, for helping us locate the concern.


Picture of Choos File tab

Choose Files-

You can add pictures to your report if you have some. Just click the Choose Files tab and select the pictures from your saved files. This is not required to submit a concern.


After completing the form click the SUBMIT tab at the bottom of the screen.



(CLICK HERE) To get started!