Planning Commission

As a member of the Omak Planning Commission, you will make recommendations to City Council on long term planning and comprehensive planning. 

You will have an impact on land use issues that affect where people work, live and play and how they travel and the quality of these experiences in our City.    


The official membership of the City of Omak Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members whose terms are six (6) years, with no more than two of the member's terms expiring at any one year. They are not required to live in the City limits of Omak.  The Planning Commission members shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council

Meeting date, time and location:

Regular Meetings of the Omak Planning Commission will be held on the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in the council chambers, at Omak City Hall.

Board Members

Planning Commissioners

 Term Expires

Erin Mundinger


John Schneider 01/02/2028

Anne Potter


Tim Pecha 01/02/2030

 Paul Nash

 David Campbell 01/02/2031
Terri Williams 01/02/2031